Arlington Boys & Girls Club Annual Christmas Tree & Wreath Sale Fundraiser
Date and Time
Monday Dec 5, 2022 Wednesday Dec 21, 2022
The sale is currently ongoing and the Club will sell trees and wreaths until they are all gone.
Hours: Monday - Thursday, 3pm-8pm; Friday - Sunday, 9am-8pm
Contact Information
Chris Annunciata, ABGC Operations Director
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The Arlington Boys & Girls Club is hosting its annual Christmas Tree and Wreath Sale at the Club located at 60 Pond Lane in Arlington. This event is the Club's largest fundraiser and has been going strong for more than 50 years. Sales will happen until all trees are sold out.
Hours: Monday-Thursday, 3pm-8m
Friday, Saturday and Sunday: 9am-8pm
The trees on the lot are balsam firs and come directly from Nova Scotia. The sizes range from table top to 4 feet to 9 feet. Prices are based on size and are extremely competitive. There are currently plenty of trees as the Club received its second delivery this past Saturday.
The lot is staffed by volunteers who are thrilled to help you and your family select the best tree possible. Volunteers will give you a fresh cut and tie to the roof of our vehicle.
If you are 18 and over and would like to volunteer, the Club could use the help. The timeslots run in 3-hour increments. Click here to volunteer. Food donations for the hungry volunteers are always accepted as well.
Proceeds benefit youth programming and activities at the Club.
Thank you