Arlington Heights Spring Fling Festival 2024
Date and Time
Saturday May 18, 2024
2:00 PM - 5:00 PM EDT


2:00-5:00: Meet Falconer Diane Welch and her baby owl
LOCATION: Outdoors in front of ACMi Studio, 85 Park Ave.
2:00-5:00: Travel the universe virtually with ACMI’s green screen technology
LOCATION: Inside ACMI Studio, 85 Park Ave.
2:00-5:00: Touch-A-Truck hosted by the Arlington Fire and Police Departments, Intelligent Labor and Moving Company,
and Top Notch Contracting.
Family Games: Bean bag and ring toss games!
LOCATION: Heights Bus Depot, 1389 Mass Ave.
2:00-3:30: Kids Craft – Make a wind chime with artist Tonya Grifkin
LOCATION: Park Avenue Congregational Church Parish Hall, 50 Paul Revere Rd
2:00-3:30: LARP Adventure Program presents a Live Action Role Playing (LARP) scavenger hunt and role-playing activities
for ages 4-9
LOCATION: Park Avenue Congregational Church Parish Hall, 50 Paul Revere Rd
3:45-4:15: Margaret Moody Puppets presents “Cow and Mouse go on a Picnic Together”
LOCATION: Park Avenue Congregational Church Parish Hall, 50 Paul Revere Rd
2:00-3:00: The Larry Terry Trio play R&B, pop, and jazz tunes.
LOCATION: Outdoors at MyEyeDr, 1328 Mass Ave. – Corner of Park Ave and Mass Ave
2:30-3:30: The New Grownups perform traditional folk, pop, country, Blues, originals, and Bluegrass
LOCATION: Heights Bus Depot, 1389 Mass Ave.
4:30-5:00: Grand Finale: Japanese Taiko drumming by Odaiko New England
LOCATION: D’Agostino’s Parking Lot, 1297 Mass Ave.
4:00-5:00: Poetry celebration: “The Neighborhood of Earth" – local poets organized by Arlington Poet Laureate Jean
Flanagan & poet Jessie Brown.
LOCATION: the Roasted Granola Café, 1346 Mass Ave.
2:00-5:00: Plein Air painting featuring artists Michelle Mendez and Ohla Brieus
LOCATION: In front of the Locke School Condominium, 88 Park Ave, and 1306 Mass Ave (near Heights Pub)
2:00-5:00: Exhibition featuring the works of three artists: Nayma Islam, paintings; Kathryn Dodgson, ceramics,
and Lauren Palmer-Merrill, fiber arts and mixed media art
LOCATION: In front of ACMI, 85 Park Ave.
2:00-5:00: Take your own tour of some of the 55+ storefront windows painted by community neighbors to celebrate
spring & sustainability.
LOCATION: Throughout the Heights in 26 storefronts
2:00-5:00: Learn from 25+ organizations and businesses on how you can promote a healthier environment.
THREE LOCATIONS: Heights Bus Depot, 1389 Mass Ave and between 1308-1312 Mass (next to the Heights Pub)
and in front of ACMi Studio, 85 Park Avenue.
Free Festival Parking at Arlington Coal and Lumber’s lot, 41 Park Avenue
This festival is free to all, thanks to a prestigious grant from the Massachusetts Cultural Council and the generosity of
the following sponsors: Arlington Heights Community Association, the Chamber of Commerce, Senne Residential, and
Wonder Yoga.
A warm thanks to the Town of Arlington, the Park Avenue Congregational Church, Intelligent Labor & Moving, the
Roasted Granola Café, and the storefront businesses hosting window painting for their invaluable support.
It takes a village!
Thanks also to D’Agostino’s Delicatessen and Arlington Coal and Lumber
for loaning their parking lots for the festival.
For more info on the festival’s events and list of participating organizations visit:
Learn more about the community organizations and businesses who will be sharing their ideas and advice.
We are still looking for volunteers! Please consider helping out:
Organized by the Arlington Heights Community Association, the Arlington Commission for Arts and Culture, ArtLinks, and
the Arlington Chamber of Commerce.
All graphic design work (posters, signs, flyers) is donated by Rob Davidson, an accomplished professional designer who
lives in the Heights neighborhood.